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  1. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    52641579-88e2-4c73-a2ba-16819b993765.jpg 829e9293-a86b-4e67-aaef-b494739fe122.gif 62ee3991-1804-4989-8c4e-e72c08e5fa5f.jpg fe9d2cab-9184-4a88-a1f2-fcd2fb614045.jpg f635a847-5bcb-4724-a217-d1fb8cef079a.jpg 0209419d-5942-4803-9e3c-c859f9321d0f.gif e35780a4-7261-4489-82ba-177460a68212.jpg ccc70fda-f620-410e-bd41-17743671c849.jpg
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  2. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
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  3. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
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  4. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
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  5. lonsjr34

    lonsjr34 Porn Star

    Oct 17, 2015
    Mmmm my 8 1 / 2"cock is so fuckin hard right now I want to fuck so bad
    • Like Like x 1
    1. BrigittesCDslut
      That is because you don't masturbate enough. You need to masturbate more. One or two hours a day AT LEAST.
      BrigittesCDslut, Aug 26, 2017
      Jackie_Slut likes this.
  6. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    • Like Like x 4
  7. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    3db943ed-276f-413a-9629-bd1efc68deb7.jpg e8338317-2850-4666-a1fe-c817e0be0687.jpg fb6a0b5a-5eba-44aa-9240-8cb2663b4265.jpg 1e2fe946-d659-418a-96f1-361f8d46fb91.jpg cccabbfd-da70-4687-902d-a01261ed7028.gif 764074c7-a83f-4aa9-9ccc-a0238062bb17.jpg 04df3b83-6f92-41d8-ae2d-0420f530dffb.png
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  8. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
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  9. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    @Grey One I've got your dope, silicon addict
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  10. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    • Like Like x 6
    1. Grey One
      Quality. You know what I need!
      Grey One, Aug 27, 2017
      Jackie_Slut likes this.
  11. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    The Bimbo Apocalypse
    @Jackie_Slut @Azapret @drum231

    Mark was one of the few survivors left but he knew he couldn't stay long. He packed supplies and figured out a way to leave town avoiding the motorways which were crawling with infected bimbos. He hadn't heard of anything for a while. He opened the front door, quick, threw his suitcase into the boot and :

    "Hihihihi... Look who finally came out of his house, like"

    Mark spun around and the colour drained from his face. About 20 feet away from him was a short blond with modest breasts but a big ass to compensate. Her shorts could hardly cover her butt cheeks.

    "I knew you would come that's why I hid next to your house. Now why don't you take off your clothes"

    She was swinging her huge hips as she walked towards Mark. Mark slowly shook his head and dashed around the car. As he felt her fingernails down his neck, he swung the driver door open and threw himself in. The Bimbo rushed to the drive way and pouted:

    "Please. I haven't fucked for ages. My pussy and ass are aching"

    "Go to hell" Mark shouted. And he drove away leaving the Bimbo in a cloud of dust.

    "I'm safe now", he thought. "She barely touched me. I'll be alright".

    He felt a flush of heat. As he looked into the mirrors, his hair seemed to have grown. He touched his hair. "Oh! No! This can't be happening!"

    Mark's face shaped into that of a beautiful woman. "Oh my God! My voice. I am really infect... Ooooooh"

    Mark moaned in pleasure as his chest began to push out. He pulled out and stopped the car. His nipples started to poke out of his shirt as his areolas spread across his new breasts. He shivered as his breasts filled up. His whole body was changing, losing weight. His crotch had been replaced by a dripping wet pussy waiting to be filled. He looked in the mirror. The Virus had turned him into a thick woman with huge 34FF breasts. His clothes changed into a tank top revealing his massive boobs.

    "Oh I need to find help! I need cock. No wait...." The Bimbo Virus had come to its final step. "Oopsie. Where am I? Who am I? Mmm. My name starts with an M. Monica! ooo, I am so horny. I need to find someone to play with my big boobies. Hihihihi"

    Monika spotted a man frozen in awe as he witnessed the transformation. She took her massive breasts out of her dress and shouted:

    "Hey huney. Want to suck on those?"

    @Grey One
    • Like Like x 4
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2017
    1. View previous comments...
    2. BrigittesCDslut
      Last edited: Aug 27, 2017
      BrigittesCDslut, Aug 27, 2017
      lonsjr34 and Jackie_Slut like this.
    3. Grey One
      I am ready!
      Grey One, Aug 27, 2017
      lonsjr34 likes this.
    4. BrigittesCDslut
      BrigittesCDslut, Aug 27, 2017
      Jackie_Slut and Azapret like this.
    5. Azapret
      Oh, would you now? ;)
      Azapret, Aug 27, 2017
      Jackie_Slut likes this.
    6. Jackie_Slut
      Jackie_Slut, Aug 27, 2017
  12. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    Aren't you afraid of being contaminated @Grey One ? Oh... Too late! You have been bimbotysed. Hihihi
    8dd4a9f3-1dff-4bf8-b356-0e2251406778.jpg a0f6cae2-6d14-4d70-9d1c-3f294f107ae1.gif 6df76090-6922-42bf-8b14-0eed863bac1e.gif 19df7a65-e653-4e71-90b1-8e5d18cc5bd9.jpg 9dce7333-88e4-4579-b197-4375e6dfafa6.gif 0916b906-544c-48a2-8bb3-145324f76f9e.gif e8a96cf6-1e76-4417-af7d-342902e44d48.jpg
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    1. Grey One
      Fucking love those cheap whores with her big fake tits!
      Grey One, Aug 27, 2017
      lonsjr34 likes this.
    2. Jackie_Slut
      @BrigittesCDslut just luuvvvvving seeing the bimbos satisfying their men, and their big, fat cocks! Kisses for you!
      Jackie_Slut, Aug 27, 2017
      lonsjr34, MountainGoat and Azapret like this.
  13. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    You know @Grey One being a bimbo is not necessarily a bad thing. You might... enjoy it!
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    1. Grey One
      Those Bimbos should beg for my dick!
      Grey One, Aug 27, 2017
      Jackie_Slut likes this.
    2. Jackie_Slut
      @Grey One is your cock worthy of a bimbo begging for it? Kisses Babee!
      Jackie_Slut, Aug 28, 2017
  14. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    • Like Like x 3
    1. Jackie_Slut
      Jackie_Slut, Aug 27, 2017
      Azapret likes this.
  15. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    @Azapret No hesitation for us. Monika, here we are. We'll face the consequences.
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  16. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
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  17. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    Stroke. Losers
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  18. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
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  19. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
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  20. BrigittesCDslut

    BrigittesCDslut Fucking Wanker

    Dec 3, 2014
    • Like Like x 4
    1. Grey One
      With BIG pleasure.
      Grey One, Aug 27, 2017